Hot rooms

Suitable for you

Bachelor Room

$150/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$150/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$150/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

More Rooms

There are room options to suit your customers' needs!

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Bachelor Room

$156/per night
  • Adults: 1
  • Categories: Single
  • Facilities: Closet with hangers, HD flat-screen TV, Telephone
  • Size: 20m2
  • Bed Type: One bed

Restaurant Menu

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.


Cookies and Strawberries

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!


Fruit cereal

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!


Cakes and fruits

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!


Egg & Asparagus

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!


Chicken stew

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!


Beef steak

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!


Fried chicken

4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!



4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!



4-star standard restaurant, fully equipped. Breakfast buffet is available. Satisfy all requirements.!


Guest Reviews


Martin Newmansfield

Satisfied Customer

” Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga aliquid. Atque dolore esse veritatis iusto eaque perferendis non dolorem fugiat voluptatibus vitae error ad itaque inventore accusantium tempore dolores sunt. “

Nancy Green

Satisfied Customer

” Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga aliquid. Atque dolore esse veritatis iusto eaque perferendis non dolorem fugiat voluptatibus vitae error ad itaque inventore accusantium tempore dolores sunt. “

Elizabeth Charles

Satisfied Customer

” Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Fuga aliquid. Atque dolore esse veritatis iusto eaque perferendis non dolorem fugiat voluptatibus vitae error ad itaque inventore accusantium tempore dolores sunt. “